Schtick SHtik/ noun:  a person's special talent, interest, or area of activity.


Career Consulting

Go beyond the resume and cover letter and look at the big picture of YOU. Make career decisions that meet your values, skills, and interests and bring positivity and fulfillment to your professional and personal life.

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Help your team compete in the modern workplace and find personal fulfillment in their work. Interactive, tailored talent development sessions will instill new vigor in your team, and make everyone happier and more productive. 

Photo by Radachynskyi/iStock / Getty Images

Content Strategy

Give your voice impact. Take a comprehensive approach to your web presence and social media management while building a recognizable brand for yourself or for your organization. 

Award-winning career and content solutions


Discover the right career path and create a brand with unique impact. Founded by award-winning career coach and content expert Heather Tranen, Schtick gives you the tools to find a job that aligns with your skills, values, and interests.  Whether through individualized career coaching, inspiring professional development workshops, or personal branding and content strategizing, Schtick knows what it takes to amplify your voice and get the right people to hear it. By collaborating with Schtick, you will identify, refine, and achieve the goals you have for yourself, your team, and your brand.


Here's who already found their schtick: